Global Career Week Fantastic Journey With

Day 03 Hebat Bersama
Kerja di Luar Negeri Jadi Mudah & Cepat untuk #ezzian

Persembahan Exclusive untuk Mahasiswa-Mahasiswi dan Alumni @elizabeth_International untuk menghadirkan Ratusan Kesempatan Kerja di Luar Negeri Mulai dari Land-Based hingga Cruise Line. mempersembahkan EZZY GLOBAL CAREER WEEK 2022 – Create Your Future Career Abroad!

๐Ÿ“† 19 Agustus 202
๐Ÿš€ Internship Program & Cruiseline bersama PT. Sari Madu Jaya Nusa – I Dewa Gede Mahendra – Branch Manager
๐Ÿš€ Study & Internship Abroad bersama NIEC Indonesia – Arnantyo Naresyworo – Founder & CEO

โฐ 09.00 WITA
๐Ÿ“ Hybrid Setting at Ballroom Ezzy Smart Resort – Kampus Elizabeth International Denpasar
Live on Zoom Conference & Youtube – Ezzy TV Channel

Untuk Alumni Daftar Cepat untuk Kursi Offline Info Session

Wujudkan impian Karir International bersama CEPAT & MUDAH!
Informasi Lengkap
Miss Septi – +62 857-3743-5233

#ezzyglobalcareerweek #ezzyglobalcareerweek2022 #careerweek #globalcareerweek #globalcareerweek2022#ezzycareer #kerjaluarnegeri #elizabeth_international #elizabethinternational program are specifically designed to immerse you with a strong foundation to build skill and understanding about pastry and bakery to match with current hospitality industryโ€™s needs.

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