Udayana Tourism Championship: Front Office Competition

Our moment was so special for @elizabeth_international !
We are proud to announce that some of our students won some competitions this week!

Udayana Tourism Championship: Front Office Competition
Conducted by Universitas Udayana
🌟 Maeyla Putri Audrina & Ni Putu Indira Kirani Santhi – First Place 🥇
🌟 Ni Kadek Aninda Tata Wahyu & Ni Kadek Meitha Nadia Dewi – First Runner Up🥈
🌟 Ni Putu Pradnya Eka Pratiwi & Dewa Gede Agung Dika Mahendra – Second Runner Up 🥉

Udayana Tourism Championship: Making Bed and Towel Art Competition
Conducted by Universitas Udayana
🌟 David Marsiyo – First Runner Up🥈
🌟 I Made Agus Arta Wiguna – Second Runner Up

These are amazing achievements and gift for us @elizabeth_international. We love to learn, keep improving, and we cannot wait to join and WIN other competitions in the future.

#elizabethinternational #ezzy #rcc #tourism #tourismcompetition #campus #hospitality #kampusperhotelan #kampusperhotelanbali


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